Ocean Rage
November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017Amina Suleiman Gas, 45 stands amidst the carcasses of her dead animals, piled for burning outside the compound where she has lived for 10 years in Barwako village 20kms into the desert from Anaibo Town, central Somaliland. Last week she lost 18 of her animals, now she is left with 12. She sent most of her livestock west with her neighbor in November 2016 when the drought began to get worse and fears they have not survived. Barwako was a village of 100 families but 245 more have come in from the surrounding area because of the drought. Amina is a member of the Villlage Savings and Loans Association (VSLA) who have shared all their savings with the displaced families, now they have nothing left. "We shared everything with them," Amina says. At least 6.2 million people, more than half the population, need assistance after 4 consecutive seasons of failed rains over 3 years have left the region depleted of all its resources and experiencing a drought on a scale not seen since 1974. It is on the verge of famine. CARE International has helped over 300,000 people since the drought situation became critical in October 2016, 200,000 of which have received water assistance.
© Georgina Goodwin
The project EverydayClimateChange (ECC) was born from an idea of James Whitlow Delano and is carried out by over 30 photographers from 6 different continents who work in every corner of the planet. Initially originated as a Instagram feed to raise awareness of the emergency of climate change all over the world, ECC soon turned into a traveling exhibition, which on this occasion offers the largest selection of photographs from the project ever displayed.
Assuming that photography is most powerful when it can communicate deeper meaning by freezing transience, EverydayClimateChange aims to present visual evidence that climate change doesn’t just happen “over there” but that climate change is also happening “right here”. No other medium can better reveal deeper truths, than a camera can in the hands of someone who understands its unique potential.
ECC is not a western view on climate change. Photographers come from the north, the south; the east and the west; and are as diverse as the cultures in which we were all raised. ECC presents the work of committed, enlightened photographers who share back stories, contextualizing not only the effects of climate change but also potential solutions to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gases on our world.
COP21, the climate change summit was held in Paris in December 2015. So climate change was, and still is, finally at the top of the agenda for a lot of global policy makers that would not ordinarily give it such a high priority. The pace of climate change, compared to the frenetic news cycle, is slow, greenhouse gases are invisible and all this makes climate change easy to ignore. The goal of the ECC and its Instagram feed is to show that no one anywhere is immune to effects of climate change. The goal is to reach beyond the cloistered photography world and the stuffy halls of academia to those who will be most effected by climate change: in other words, all of US.
Date / Time
11/11/2017 - 11/19/2017
All day
Ex Macello