Festival opening (video)
October 24, 2014
Finalists and winners of the photo contest
October 1, 2015
Festival opening (video)
October 24, 2014
Finalists and winners of the photo contest
October 1, 2015

After the success of the projection of The Salt of the Earth, we present the documentary Finding Vivian Maier by John Maloof and Charlie Siskel in collaboration with CineStar Lugano e RSI.

Film in English with Italian subtitles.

To book the ticket please visit this page.


Finding Vivian Maier is a 2013 documentary film about the photographer Vivian Maier, written, directed and produced by John Maloof and Charlie Siskel. Maier’s photographic legacy was largely unknown during her lifetime. The film documents how Maloof discovered her work and, after her death, uncovered her life as a nanny and a photographer in Chicago through interviews with people who knew her.