© Franco Fontana
WARNING: For personal reasons the photographer Franco Fontana unfortunately will not be able to participate at LuganoPhotoDays. His workshop will be held by photographer Didier Ruef.
What is creativity for Franco Fontana?
My first impression is that it’s a sign of intelligence, a clear and distinct personality trait made of invention, emotions, imagination, versatility, agility and adventurous thoughts – all of which breaks the rules, opens the way to new experiences and seeks new answers by reinterpreting the world around us. A world witnessed by people, landscapes, horizons, skies, colors and many other multicoloured situations. A world that is interpreted in shocking and different way from the repetitive everyday known to us. We take responsibility for the results because creative photography isn’t about reproduce what is visible but about making something visible.
And why the colour? One needs to understand that creativity, despite being supported by colours, is not the synonym of arbitrary creation but a motion that generates life and not suffering, with a positive value for each of us.
Colour is also a physical sensation, a psychological and emotional interpretation, a way and a means to acquire knowledge. This is why it is so fundamental, especially in photography and, quoting Klee, “colour is the place where the universe and the mind meet”.
This workshop, confirming this statement, will allow you to acquire a deeper knowledge of your own sensitivity, and give you a photographic independence as a result. An independence which each one of us will define oneself in an autonomous creativity with personal contents.
As John Ruskin said: “The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most.
As for myself, I try to express and interpret colour through photography by turning it into a personal testimony of this “color”, from object to subject. This helps me liberate my soul from negative influences to receive and give joy to the light in your eyes, bringing poetry to the heart, in a positive way.
If it is true that one only lives to discover beauty, and that it is this beauty that will save the world, colour is an important bailee of this colourful energy. To interpret it in a creative way is living its importance and its content fully.
One needs to understand that creativity, despite being supported by colours, is not the synonym of arbitrary creation but a motion that generates life and not suffering, with a positive value for each of us.
The photographer who wants to interpret and not illustrate a landscape (a city, a person) in a postcard by creating a suitable “magic” atmosphere usually relies on colour to not sublimate the object of the photograph but mostly transform the same in a subject which will have a life of hits own, triggering emotions and feelings.
Colour is also a physical sensation, a psychological and emotional interpretation, a way and a means to acquire knowledge. This is why it is so fundamental, especially in photography.
Colour is like a huge mountain entirely covered with dreams because where that is where colour and mind meet the universe.
When: October 12-17, 2013 (facebook event)
Time: 9 AM – 4 PM (approximate)
Location: CSIA
Language: Italian
Participants: max. 14
Price: CHF 925.- / 740 €
WARNING: For personal reasons the photographer Franco Fontana unfortunately will not be able to participate at LuganoPhotoDays. His workshop will be held by photographer Didier Ruef.