Minors in Detention
October 17, 2014
Love Radio Rwanda
October 17, 2014Intended Consequences – Rwandan Children Born of Rape
Intended Consequences by Jonathan Torgovnik is a series of environmental portraits made in Rwanda of women that were brutally raped during the Rwandan genocide and the children they bore from their assailants. Traveling to Rwanda over the course of three years, Torgovnik photographed and interviewed over fifty women survivors of the genocide, uncovering details of the heinous crimes committed against the mothers of these children. The mothers, many whom contracted HIV/AIDS from the militiamen that raped them, felt unable to speak about their experiences for many years, silenced by the shame of rape and having a child of militiamen who in many cases was also responsible for killing their entire families.
Torgovnik partnered with several institutions to help give a voice to the women, a matter he feels is particularly pressing as history repeats itself in the Darfur region of Sudan, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Through this exhibition, accompanied with selected text from the women’s testimonies, Torgovnik provides these women an opportunity to tell their unheard stories. For most of the women, this is the first time they have ever spoken out about what they experienced and the challenges they face today as a direct result of the violence inflicted on them. These mothers have lived through the most severe torture any human can endure, and in the aftermath they continue to struggle against multiple levels of trauma.
On this work has been also published the book “Intended Consequences” on sale also at our bookshop.
Date / Time
10/17/2014 - 10/26/2014
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Il Ciani (ex kindergarten)