Inside National Geographic
October 12, 2019
Antropocene – L’epoca umana
October 23, 2019SZERELEM A LEVENDULÁSBAN (Magyarország, 2014.) Boglárkalepkék párosodnak egy levendula virágzaton. A kép a kertünkben készült, a levendulákat jómagam ültettem, gondozom. Így aztán csak pár lépést kellett tennem, hogy a képet elkészítsem. Attól még nem volt olyan egyszerű, mert különösen szeles volt az idő, ráadásul az egyik kislányom mindenáron meg akarta simogatni ezeket az apró teremtményeket...
On Saturday, October 12th there will be a series of four short lectures, between 2pm and 6pm, with some of the judges, photographers and photo editors, of LuganoPhotoDays 2019.
Lecture by Joe Petersburger
Human effect on global warming is out of question nowadays. Traveling takes significant part of it. No matter, if it is the so criticized fast tourism or wildlife photography. However, most photography enthusiasts still travel for exotic locations to have the desired shot of a genre topic and expecting an award. Result is almost guaranteed on one hand: no success. On the other hand, huge participation in CO2 emission for sure.
Jury use to look for fresh view, angle, powerful message and new topics. It is very difficult to meet with such criteria, if you are abroad, do not know the area and the species you are shooting. Unless you have a highly experienced guide. Nevertheless, even a good guide cannot guarantee everything. You spend lot of money to travel and exposed to uncontrollable conditions. Most of the time you have no chance to go back to try again.
In contrast, even a common looking background is full with opportunities. You can find new topics, which are not overexposed at contests. You can study them and return to the place much more time. You have the chance to be the expert of it and take images what no one did before.
And what is the emission cost of it? Dramatically less! My personal examples prove that even a National Geographic feature story can be done from a fragment of CO2 emission of an African safari…
- Language: English (translated in Italian)
- Duration: 45 minutes
Joe Petersburger
Professor in biology, National Geographic photographer / Hungary
The first Hungarian who could ever publish a feature in National Geographic Magazine. He won several prestigious awards, including BBC WPY, 1st prize at World Press Photo or Grand Prize at National Wildlife Federation. His articles had been translated over 20 languages and along with his pictures are being published worldwide.
His prime interest as a biologist is animal behavior, but has references in plant taxonomy and evolution as well.
Nowadays he is most active as a science communicator and tries to inspire people to take care about their planet.
Web site: www.joepetersburger.com
Instagram: @joepetersburger
Date / Time
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Ex Macello