During LuganoPhotoDays it is possible to have a portfolio review.

Who will be there?


Sunday October 13, 2013 from 2 PM to 6:30 PM. Except Diego Orlando’s portfolio review that will be Thursday October 17, 2013, from 2 PM to 6:30 PM.


Portfolio reviews will be at Il Ciani.

How long?

A session lasts 25 minutes.

How much does it cost?

  • 1 session costs CHF 45. –
  • 2 sessions costs CHF 80.-
  • 3 sessions costs CHF 110.-
  • 4 sessions costs CHF 125.-

How to present your work

  • iPad or computer, you should be able to see the files also one by one, without a fixed pre-setpresentation (ie video slideshow).
  • important: If you use an online portfolio you have to bring their own independently of internet connection, even though it may be available, LuganoPhotoDays assumes no responsibility for the failed connection
  • self-produced / self-published books
  • prints work better if the job is done on film, it’s suggested to put them in a book with the plastic pages (so you browse easily).

What you have to show

If the participant is already an intermediate / advanced photographer, we recommend you to bring the work divided into stories.
Maximum two stories, with a selection of at least 20/30 photos each.
It can be helpful to have ready a tight editing and a larger one (the reader can then choose to watch more material and researched).